One of Canada’s premier interactive health sites is
supported and written through St. Mike’s in Toronto. Healthy
Debate provides a forum for
discussion of the whole range of health issues, and is to be commended for recognizing
public health’s contribution to the health system. Dr. Monika Dutt has initiated a discussion on
public health funding in Canada needs to change . Join the conversation and support the
Those that have been through the ringer will recognize that
the funding debate is complex. What
constitutes “public health” in the general sense about the organized efforts of
society to prevent illness, improve health and protect wellbeing – can range
broadly. Not surprising, in the 1910’s
the Canadian Public Health Association was a strong advocate for the
establishment of a system of hospitals in Canada, which led to the Canadian
Hospital Association and subsequently the Canadian Healthcare Association.
In the post war years and green paper documents, public health
was again active in support of health service which led to Tommy Douglas’
medicare efforts based on the Swift Current health cooperative. As we run through the decades, “public health”
has fostered the birth of home care, been a strong partner and advocate for community
mental health, driven efforts to improve care for seniors in residential
settings. Currently we may be seeing a
divergence of maternal-child programming as it strives for independence from
other public health services.
Thus the major role of “public health” remains in initiating
and stimulating change that aligns with its core definition.
How then can the value and efforts of public health be weighed
in gold? Many efforts for preventing
illness and reducing the consequences of disease on other health services are now
embedded and entrenched in other pillars of the health care system. Some administrators may legitimately argue
that they are already investing more than a targeted amount in prevention
efforts, while the formal “public health” sector scrounges to survive on meagre
Dr. Dutt admirably flags the tension that constraining
resources are causing. While health
systems struggle to maintain minimum operational levels in the face of growing populations,
ageing populations, inflation, utilization creep and technological developments –
arguments that public health can make a difference if you invest more are
falling on deaf ears.
But, were in not for the successes of public health to date,
the system would have collapsed long ago.
Hospitalization rates have been reduced to between one-quarter and
one-half peak rates. There is evidence
supporting compression of morbidity and overall reductions in health care utilization
due to healthier populations. Perhaps the
one failure has been an increasing cohort dependence and expectation on
accessing and utilizing health care that contributes to the utilization creep –
fuelled by a health care industry that needs to self-propagate.
We in public health need to remain grounded in the very
efforts that Dr. Dutt has identified. We must also be willing and able to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and
not sit on our past laurels. Conversely,
for health care readers, a new recognition and respect for public
health as integral part to the solution could foster constructive efforts rather
than competitive ones. Health care administrators should receive mandatory public health training and experience before feigning expertise in the topic.
As Dr. Dutt suggests, there is a
strong rationale for protecting up to 5% of the budget for public health – and
labelling it as a future benefit. Many companies use fiscal targets for research and development activities which this parallels. However, such funds must be linked with public health professionals actively responding to the challenges
of today – and those are difficult and uncomfortable, unlike some past public health activities.