The first warning was when the Google search on Canadian rural
hospitals produced 1992 papers.
Perhaps the issue is intuitively more obvious and we need to test some
Regionalization closed a large number of small, supposedly inefficient
rural hospitals. The best studied were the Saskatchewan
closures of 54 rural facilities back also in 1992. Not surprisingly, health
status supposedly increased in the short term.
Also not surprisingly, many rural communities said that’s interesting,
now can we please reopen our hospital?
Why – because hospitals drive a huge component of the economic activity
of rural communities where they are located. While individual health may have had certain
measures of improvement, communities quickly recognized that their community health
was suffering.
Did anybody care? Not really, quality and health outcomes improved in the short term, and overall dollars were saved in eliminating supposedly inefficiencies.
For decades, the proportion of physicians practising in
rural areas has been only a third to a half of that expected when compared with
urban Canada. Staffing rural facilities
is often a constant effort of training, recruitment and then departure for
bigger cities.
As one bureaucrat once said, the best economic policy is to
let rural Canada die. Efficiency
is gained through economies of scale only achieved in urban settings. Scary given their ability to affect political policy in the country. The consequence is the migrant movement of youth and young families into larger urban settings, curtailing the community future. It should not be surprising that areas of Canada with proportions of seniors exceeding 20% aggregate around rural areas.
So, DrPHealth is looking for examples of newly opened rural
hospitals? Or even rebuilt facilities on
the order of what many health regions have accomplished with their flagship
hospitals. Where have health regions
actively planned to encourage rural growth by implementing expanded health care
facilities. (email to
Experience, without supporting data, would suggest that where
even the slightest gains are made, they are in semi-urban settings (10-50K populations), only after massive public and political leveraging, and without growth in the
form of intervention services like in-patients, obstetrics and surgery. Perhaps this is "good" clinical practice, and there is ample evidence that
outcomes in rural settings have perhaps not been as good as urban.
There is also ample evidence that rural populations have
reduced access to health care, seek treatment later in illness, tend to have
poorer outcomes and a whole list of measures suggestive of an inequity that
deserves more attention. Rather than treating rural health as an question of inefficiency, it is time to view it from the lens of equity.
And, what about the slow death knell placed on rural communities
through loss of their autonomous health structures? Perhaps a gain in short term efficiency as
rural Canada is only about 20% of the population.
Yet birth rates are much higher than urban settings, family
sizes tend to be larger, and rural life provides opportunities for future
growth and development that would be logical investments to support the whole
of the Canadian economy rather than the constrained and razor thin margins that
large urban settings now offer.
Perhaps regionalization has padded the wallets of the
majority who live in the big cities, but it may well be cutting off our future
by not planning to build a sustainable Canadian infrastructure through maximizing the potential of our
Its time that more than just a few lone voices like the
Society for Rural Physicians of Canada speak out for supporting rural health
care. This is an issue that is about
Canada’s future and the health of our country.