Those following
the Ebola outbreaks are aware that Canada came riding as a white knight into
the fray with an offer to utilize an untried vaccine developed at the National
Metabolic Laboratories in Winnipeg.
Such an international
spotlight opens the curtains on celebrating Canada’s storied contributions to
vaccines. Fostered through the University
of Toronto Connaught Laboratories established
in 1914 and best known for development of insulin. The academic laboratories subsequently
morphed into Connaught industries and helped lead the global effort to develop
a polio vaccine post WWII which resulted in a candidate inactivated vaccines
that formed the basis for the renowned Salk vaccine first trialed in 1952. Connaught was instrumental in ramping up
production to population scale levels within four years and directly contributed
to outbreak cessation in the early 1950s. Connaught was well positioned to
export vaccine internationally and quickly grew to an international industrial player
and renowned as a major player in controlling polio globally.
production efforts have gone through multiple corporate purchases initially by
Institute Mérieux in 1989, then merging with Pasteur Institute. Morphing in 1999 to Aventis- Pasteur and
purchased by Sanofi in 2004. It continues
to operate in Canada as Sanofi-Pasteur and is celebrating its 100th
year in the business of vaccine development and production. The Canadian branch of the company remains
foundational in domestic production of the majority of routinely provided
vaccines in Canada.
have been involved in the production of an acellular pertussis vaccine in 1996,
an Alzheimer of vaccine Dr. Peter St George-Hyslop in 2000,
bovine E. Coli vaccine Drs. Brett Finlay and Andy Potter in 2004, the hemorrhagic
fever vaccines for Ebola, Marburg, and Lassa were trialed in 2005 by Drs. Heinz
Feldmann and Steven Jones. Canada
is currently highly active in HIV vaccine development
Expertise in
vaccinology has developed in multiple centres with specific mention to the
Canadian Accelerated Vaccine Development initiative led by the PREVENT coalition
formed from Halifax Centre for Vaccinology, University of Saskatchewan Vaccine
and Infectious Disease Organization, and BC Centre for Disease Control, who in
working with industry are fronting early vaccine development activities and
early phase trials before commercialization efforts are ascribed to private
sector partners. The current work focused on Group A Streptococcus, Chlamydia,
influenza, RSV and an animal spongiform encephalopathy vaccine.
While PREVENT is
still in its formative stages, phase 1 studies have already commenced.
With the cost of
vaccine development, licensing and commercialization estimated at $200-600
Million, such efforts are costly, high-tech and high risk. However, with large consumer basis for many
of the products long term returns are of significant value.
While until this
year the market for an Ebola vaccine was very limited, Canada’s rich resource
in skill, technology and experience in the vaccine field deserves much greater
recognition and celebration than perhaps its surprising arrival on the humanitarian
Ebola scene suggests.