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Thursday 12 July 2012

This week in public health: Heat, Refugee health, parenting, injury prevention and colorectal cancer

DrP needed to take a short break.  Please be kind enough to fill out the survey on the future of the website.  The uinderwhelming response to date speaks loudly.

Summertime tends to be when either nothing happens, or important but potentially politically embarrassing information is discretely posted without fanfare in the hopes it flies under the radar.  Be sure to send any tidbits to drphealth@gmail.com 

A few quickies to get back on track:

With heat waves hitting, it is the earlier in the year heat that is most fatal as we struggle to acclimatize to the ever changing heat environment.   Heat kills up to 1000 Canadians each year – check out Weather that kills 

Apparently a slight budget on the refugee health issue, but realistically a political clarification.  Why would the government not provide health care to those that it sponsors?   Kudos to all the health care professionals that have and continue to apply the heat, this is one of Canada’s most disgraceful civil society moments.   Posting from Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care

 Parenting programs continue to garner considerable interest, with a good review on the impact on psychosocial wellbeing of parents to be found at Review article on psychosocial health of parents in parenting programs

How little we really know about preventing outdoor injuries to children comes across in this review Injury prevention for children.  It is one of those areas that there is a sense that we have to do something – but little sense of what is effective.

Colorectal cancers area  leading cause of both incident cancers and mortality.  The fecal occult blood test has had lots of proponents and opponents, but this review notes a 25% reduction in colorectal cancer mortality from its use.  Colorectal cancer screening.  Now that’s something we all should get behind. 

Expect postings over teh summer to be somewhat less frequent.  Ideas, suggestions and submissions are ever welcomed drphealth@gmail.com

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